Jun 29, 2006 13:42
Yes I have been bad and not updated in a long time. Hmm so where to begin
Well first off itching has stopped just as quick as it came its insane things that made me break out in hives all over right now nothing I have even tried to get them to break out nothing. I really think it was some sort of bug that kicked my existing allergies into over drive lasted a little over a month now nothing. All the blood work and everything came back normal which is strange because I am anything but normal *BEG*.
Now on to other things well been tring to keep ahead of the rain its been nuts. We have been lucky an not had any damage form the rains but dang the wild in my front yard is out of control anytime the sun comes out for a few minutes all you hear are lawn mowers stalling because the stuff is to think and wet. Sammy is now out of school for the summer she had a great year and has desided to drop the clarenit and start the guitar which she actually is not have bad at so far at least it does not hurt like the violin practice did. So right now we are tring to get into the summer swing of things. I had a Moment of insanity and agreed to let sammy have two friends sleep over tonight HELP well at least Joe is not here he is out of town for a few days for work. The girls would either drive him nuts (maybe) more likely though he would have far to much fun tormenting them angain somethign I don't need so while he is gone I figured its half safe. Hopefully sun will come out and we can get some lake days in.
We did have a great time for the summer solstice went to american stonehege in Salem NH for the ritual its was great fun saw a lot of friends I have not seen in a while and got to drum and dance around. Sammy got to play with Jess's little twins so she was very happy. A really great way to start the summer I think. Now once my friend comes back from England after the 4th I am hope to escape and go south by myself and visit with some of you all have to wait to Kristin is back though because I am taking care of the animals at her place plus Joe is gone right now.
Well I need to get back to cleaning up here before the girls get here and get the junk food that is needed for these things LOL. I already told them no nail polish on the carpet in the bathroom only.