Well, I have a complete first draft of a novel done! My word count hit 73,000 words, which is quite respectable for a first novel in a young adult fiction style. I'm sure there'll be LOTS of changes in editing, but still, quality aside, I've written myself a novel!
I want now to leave it alone for a while. Although some of the final chapters I've wrote I've barely glanced over a second time, I think I should back away for a while and come back to it again later when my mind has had time to refresh. During that away time, I'd love to have some people read over the full story!
If you're interested in reading my novel "Memory's Wake", which is a somewhat gritty, young adult fantasy, fairytale story, comment here! If you want a taste first, here's the first chapter -
http://www.facebook.com/selinafenech#!/notes/selina-fenech/memorys-wake-teaser-chapter/417703599238FYI, I'd probably rate it like a PG13 or something... there's a fair bit of violence, adult themes, a little swearing... But overall (hopefully!) not too dark!
I'm not going to pick a lot of people... It's only a rather rough draft at this stage, and I don't want it going around that much! I want to pick a sort of cross section of readers. Some older, some younger, some professional readers, some professional (or wanting to be!) writers, some interested in the genre, others not, etc. So let me know a little about you and your interest in my story in your comment so I can decide who gets to read :)
In return for reading, I would want a review. No worrying about picking up spelling and grammar and punctuation errors, that will all get looked at later. What I want to know at this stage is what you think about each of the characters, love them or hate them, are the bad guys bad enough, are the relationships real enough but still exciting, whether you guess the plot and story twists early on, whether the plot and story twists make enough sense at all! Whether the story keeps your interest all the way through or if it gets boring anywhere. All of that sort of thing.
So, if you're interested in reading, and willing to put in the time to review, comment below! I'm screening comments, so I think that means you can put in an email address for me to send you a copy without it being public. But don't trust me on that, I'm LJ stoopid these days cos I don't spend enough time here anymore. ;)