Oct 01, 2005 13:14
So I went to John's to hang with him and Jeannie. I missed them so much.
I met some random Iowa/Idaho kid, I put my phone number on his shoes. He tried to kiss me right as the other boy who apparently liked me (he asked for my number as well) walked in. hahahahah It was so random/retarded.
Man, I got so drunk, I didn't realize how drunk I was. Jeannie and I shared a bottle of Grape Puckers (I think thats what it was called). Then Iowa/Idaho kid was like BEER BONG!! yeah Luckily Priesley made me ride with Tommy and not drive my own car, following him.
I actually got him to be truthful and drop the whole facade and bullshit. Once we got down to it, tlking was actually pretty cool.
So I slept really fucking well, it was great. I had really lucid dreams and that hardly ever happens when I am sleeping with another person (I think it has to do with comfort level).
Anways, so I woke up and we had the craziest exchange of thank-yous.
"Thanks for picking me up and driving me and not letting me get raped by marines."
"Thanks for not sleeping with me, well, sort of and thanks for putting my head in the right place."
hahaha I love that kid. Man, I slept well.