December 1965 Idaho falls news paper article of my cousin:

Nov 12, 2011 14:05

"Grandson, 8,
Fatally Burned
Kenneth Short, «, son of La
Var Clive Short and Beverly
Hendershot Short, and grandson
of Mr. and Mrs. Clive Short,
41« E. 18th St., was fatally burned
in a fire from a gasoline explosion
In the garage of his
home at long Beach, CUil., on
Dec. 6.
He had climbed up to a shelf
and knocked down a can of gasoline,
which ignited from * pilot
light on a small gas heater.
His mother received third if
tree burnt to her arm, leg, back
and face when she made an ef
fort to rescue him. She i«, how
ever, making a satisfactory re
Mr. and Mrs. Short, Kenneth's
grandparents, have Just recently
returned from the funeral
Long Beach.
Accompanying them wei-e
their son, Dallas, two daugh
ters, Mrs. Barbara Garner and
Mrs. Judith Hale, all of Idaho"


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