An absolutely lovely excursion to Hanmer Springs on Friday on Canterbury's quasi-anniversary holiday. Thank you ever so much
mpj17 and M and J for arranging a secret surprise trip. And there are even hydroslides there!
And the packing, business, and general doing of Things, including the entirely pleasant finding and giving of presents, (I had a longing to be able to wrap EVERYTHING in ribbons this year) is all complete. Was complete in time for being at the airport at 6 am today, but a 24-hour delay of the flight was called due to the weather Down There being overcast and lightly snowing. Quite fun really - makes it feel like a Shuttle flight. I wasn't complaining about being able to go back to bed, either. Another day of sunshine to enjoy!
And this, which is how I always think of Antarctica:
Turning my face from home
To the Southern Cross
A map of crackling stars
And the albatross.
-- Charles Causley