(no subject)

Feb 12, 2005 15:37

[a]ge: 17
[b]estfriends: not sure
[c]hoice of meat: cow
[d]ream date: laying down with a special someone on the sand, looking up at the stars, cuddling.
[e]xciting adventure: anywhere with Christopher
[f]avorite food: baby back ribs, pasta
[g]reatest accomplishment: umm- not sure if i have one
[h]appiest day of your life: i don't know
[i]nterests: listening and making music, writing, drawing, reading, cuddling with Chris, hanging out with friends
[j]ello: i like the red kind
[k]ool aid: i like how it makes my tongue pretty colours
[l]ove: is a very splendid thing
[m]ost valued: authenticity
[n]ame: Jes
[o]utfit you wore to work today: I don't have a job because i'm a loser.
[p]izza topping: hamburger
[q]uestion most asked: whats up? how are you? what are you doing this weekend? etc.
[r]adio station: 96.5 the buzz
[s]port: dancing by myself in my room (its my own made-up sport)
[t]elevision show: old episodes of Saturday Night Live, Mad TV, The Jon Stewart show, south park, pretty much comedy central in general
[u]r favorite song: woah- way too many to chose from. one that sticks out in my mind at the moment is Watching the wheels by John Lennon
[w]here you live: st. joseph, mo
[x]yz: you couldn't thing of an x one? what about are u X-core?! and then I would have to say: ummm i dont know
[y]ear born: 1987
[z]odiac sign: cancer
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