I think I have swine flu. I am ill, and achey and ew. Also I snorted at someone's bad joke while picking up a package at the post office.
By the way, what the fuck is up with the post office just recently? I went to pick up a package ("Sorry we missed you at 6:20am, please pick up your parcel after 4:30 and before 5:15, bitch...") and so I gave them the parcel card they left me, and my ID. Then the woman is all, "Do you have something with your address on it?" Umm yes, that little bit of card I gave you. And my parcel. However my face on ID with my name on it and a parcel for me and a little bit of cardboard with my name and address is apparently not enough identification needed for me to pick up a pair of shoes I bought online. But she "let me off" this time and gave my the package anyway. Thanks for wasting everyone's time, crazy lady. Especially when I have pig cold.
If she didn't give me the shoes I probably would have stabbed her in the face with my ID, because I've been looking for them everywhere and can only find them in men's shops. Here they are, I got them in black and white because getting them in just one colour is such a cop-out.
http://imagecache.asos.com/inv/K/6/25/192324/BlackWhite/image1xl.jpg So Mandy is leaving for Brisbane and Jo is going with her for a holiday this weekend, so we're going out for good bye drinks. Then Saturday I have to go to a Bogan wedding in Penriff and pretend to look interested and half alive. Then Sunday I go to a dog's birthday party (yes, a dog, a poodle called Fifi) before heading off for a shift to LiquorBlargh.
I have to take my flask. At least to the wedding, if nothing else.
I was also thinking of hiding my 'slightly-dead-like-a-green-zombie' look over the weekend by wearing Effy-esque eye shadow (
http://www.flickr.com/photos/angelapple/3352554243/in/photostream/) before realising I don't know how to apply makeup because I don't wear, or even actually own, any. So then I found these ridiculous things called "Youtube makeup tutorials by girls who begin the video with one side of their face already made up". I thought, that should become a trend, everyone should just do up one side of the face. It'd cut makeup application time in half, and your face would be an interesting talking point for people.
Umm, I don't have an ending. The End!