
Jun 06, 2006 00:44

So I found out tonight that Jon was able to get the time off of work, so that means him and I are going to Bonnaroo!!! Radiohead, Ben Folds and so many more fabulous bands!

It's so funny, I never thought I'd be excited about sleeping in my car (after having to sleep in Squared's car while down in Key West), but we're going to plan ahead and bring little fans and LOTS of blankets and pillows and basically all things fluffy and soft to sleep on...it's going to be great!

In order to pay for the ticket (which was $200 total), I have to go to the gym twice a day until the day we leave, but it'll all work out. I guess I'll have to start getting up in the morning like a normal person. lol, i'm so pathetic!

So I went to youth group tonight and I just want to say, they are so awesome...all of them! I wasn't in there thirty seconds when this one guy asked me how the Zombie March went, and he even wanted to see pictures, and they all thought it was awesome! I love it how Christians can like weird stuff too...I mean, I'm not trying to sound stereotypical, but it's really awesome to be pleasantly surprised and what's more, not judged by what I like to do in my spare time, especially by people who I would have thought would have been the most judgemental people of all of my friends. So yay for that. They rock.

So in the next week and a half, I'm going to do everything I can to try and make some money, and also save money. I wonder if the Bonnaroo website has any helpful hints about what to bring and all that...must do some perusing. Otherwise, I'm headed for my favorite night time state - literary fervor. Woohoo!

Love ya'll!



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