_lashingoutloud, IT IS YOUR BIRTHDAY! (in case you had managed to forget, which is actually quite easy to do if there are not ample Hey, Remember? It's Your Birthday! Balloons nearby to remind you).
I was in the process of making you a Thing for the occasion, as is tradition (for 'tradition', read: 'well, I did it once, didn't I?'), but, um, it's not quite done yet. It will be, though. (And it rhymes, which definitely makes it doubly worth the wait!)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love you more than many things!
Also, in additional news, I have my Mechanics: Mathematics Strikes Back... With Forces And Stuff! exam tomorrow, and I am hideously unprepared.
If the examiner expects me to know what direction things are going in, then he is a greedy globule of arse-mustard and I shall have no more to do with him. Different directions? In my day, everyone went in exactly the same direction! We were not spoilt for choice and the world was generally a better place!
Except, that was, when we all got as far as Scotland in The One True Direction (which was Up) and realised there wasn't actually anywhere else to go not involving getting slightly wetter than was decent. Which was, to be honest, a bit of a bugger.