holy crap i have stirrings! (shoving things down kurt vonnegut's throat never gets unfunny)

Jun 20, 2011 01:03

so i've been going to sleep somewhere around 6 or 7am the last few days and i have to be up by noon tomorrow for coffee and it's going to huurtttt. WHOOPS.

past week (two?) has been a blur of socialize+crash+repeat. not having work might actually be driving me insane. i wanted to at least pretend to be a grown up (i've got things to study! things that i don't need to, but want to study! i've got six years of things to excavate! i... have been painting--you know the world is actualfax ending if i'm painting--and ignoring anything that could even remotely be considered productive, like writing for the New Age. figures.) but i can't seem to be awake before 3 pm on average.

speaking of the New Age--at some point during Niki's bday thing, (you know that moment when you realize pretty much the entire room is talking about your sex life and that you don't need intoxicants, you can be embarrassing ALL BY YOURSELF? no? moving on) my brain got stuck on proxemics and (not sure anymore how it connects now) comparing programming that tries to pass the Turing test to religious ethics. the moon was shining, the sky was infinite, and it all made glorious, perfect sense, and i decided that that's what i needed to write about.

of course i no longer remember what the hell i was thinking. my phone has one saved message: seraphim. IDEK

Seema, if you're reading this, uhm. i've got backup stuff you can choose from? *shifty* love you!!

in retrospect, this may all have something to do with the fact that i also mainlained the entire first season of Joan of Arcadia. (i... i don't know if there's a coherent yet succinct explanation for this other than that it is an interesting platform for all my thinky thoughts at the moment. someone please give me less free time, it's bad for my health.)

[03:29] Andy: can't sleep clowns etc.

ps: successful father's day venture today! they liked the lake! i successfully evaded allegations about how i find time to discover these things while "studying" at the "library"! booyah!

pps: cannot find superman underwear or foghat tshirt. or red bra. i KNEW not learning to do my own laundry would have drawbacks!

ppps: Niki, it is 4:31am. i am up drawing Gypsy's face. i don't EVEN. *crawls under bed*

thinky thoughts, ahahahaha my life

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