they'll call me freedom

Jul 04, 2010 00:43

(just like a waving flag)

bd has world cup fever like woah and i know every time something exciting happens from the cheers outside even in the middle of the night, but that's not what this post is about.

it's that time of year again, and i don't want to be cryptic but i don't want to talk about it, i want to avoid everyone and everything (the people i see regularly--Di and Seema and Raka and Shakil have been so supportive with being social but letting me study that it kind of made me want to cry), but i'm trying to break the cycle by realizing that hey. i've done this all before. there's going to be a way out, and not just 'one way or another'. i just wanted to note that down, as well as the fact that this realization was brought on by talking to various awesome peoples (mostly Robyn this time, but also Sarah who won't be back at AUW but possibly will be back in BD and is internet hand-holding and editor extraordinaire) but i just--

i love the people that i know.

they are just good people. i like to say ridiculous but i have never loved anyone who wasn't ridiculous because i don't even know how that works but i am in sort of an awe at how open, kind--there's really no better way to put this--loving people are.

...and have been--even the people i have known but we've had our fights or we've fallen out because i've been drawing comfort from even that lately. i know/have known some fucking amazing people.

thank you for having (/had) me in your life. there's a part of me that will always love you, no matter what.

raindrops on silk net, life in chittagong

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