not enough music in my bloodstream

Jan 31, 2010 22:56

(some people have coffee, i have melodies and beats that thrum under my skin and wrap around my psyche to cushion the blow of being awake and having to function)

coworkers (the only two that i am not so fond of) are discussing MLK and how this school focuses a lot on gender inequality and race needs to be addressed and i am laughing inside my head.

how do you come to a school to teach South Asian women of all colors, completely ignore or hate on the local culture, heritage, and the history of colonialism and oppression, the struggle through all associated race/gender/economic trauma and then have the gall to think that your students are "unaware" of race?

how do you completely fail to appreciate their brilliance and respect their ability to communicate with you on the level they do in a language that is probably not even their third, let alone their second, and mistake their lack of fluency for a lack of intelligence, assume that you are under no obligation to pronounce their names correctly or show respect when you require them to pronounce English words correctly?

how can anyone so well-educated and so "aware" in some areas be so stupid?

*throws up hands in despair*

otoh: mmm, music monday, here, have some (honeythief - halou).

thinky thoughts, deshi, being a teacher holy fucking crap, life in chittagong, one sweet song

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