[sooo sleepy..]

Jul 12, 2005 03:24

*thinks* Soo, I haven't updated this in a while. :x I'm so sleepy.. this will be fast; life is well: times have changed, I've let my stubbornness ease a little, I'm settling some, and I've got blue and black hair. Hurray for me. :F My birthday is the 18th. I'm excited. I finally got out invitations (technically) yesterday afternoon, so they're coming. I'm sleepy. Omega loves me again. ^^ Hes glaring at me, threatening raining DOOOOMM if I don't head for bed soon. I tidied up my room some; it needs more hard-core cleaning. I spent time with John today; saw Jason a little bit. I haven't really been talking much with Andy.. Its not from a lack of things to say (I lie, it is.), and its not from having nothing in common (I lie more; it is.), its just that he hasn't called me (tr00. :c). I call and call and I bitch and moan, but to no avail. And then I spend a day away to make him call, he gets all pissed off that I'm not at the computer, and says I have no right to bitch. No sense, I swear.

Anyway, birthday is Monday, but party is Sunday. All my favorite kitties will be there. Yay. Sleep.

Oh, did some overrides. Nothing special; just little things, and the background picture is copywrite Andy Bradford (mah kitty ^^), so I keeeeellll you and stuffs for takin' it.
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