I never thought that one day I'll be doing Martial Arts for real.
Today was my 6th lessons of Capoiera. It's a bresilian/african martial art dance. Contrary to other martial art, the goal is not to "hit" the other player, but to create a language with our moves, expressions, fluidity. Legs are mostly used, but our entire body is too.
Today some dancers from France and Spain were here to visit.
So the few of us that showed up for course despite the awesome warm weather we're having even in October / autumn were able to face against advanced people.
It's a completely different thing. We're like children playing around trying to learn to walk and talk. They were like adults. So they really picked us up! And in one case, litteraly in the air, grab the girl up and nearly wrestled her lol It was really fun.
We pratice over and over different moves. But when we combine them together in a dance inside the roda to form sentences, it's really not easy.
At my first courses, sweat was litteraly flowing out of my face. Courses are only 1h30. It's really intensive cardio. But as I do more pratice, I sweat much less and recuperate faster. Also hurt less in the legs and muscles.
Capoiera is really helping my diving and to get a different control of my body and environment.
It's also techniques I could use should my life prove in danger. One of the first things we learn in Capoiera is defense and dodging. It's easy to kick, it's harder to dodge and counter-attack.
People are not only dancing in the roda, but singing, clapping the hands, playing the music. Everyone participates. And we all face each other.
Our instructor teach us the moves in Portuguese and we sing in Portuguese too. So little by little I'm learning this language too.
What I like the most is that it's hard on me. I've never been good with gymnastics or acrobaties. Just like was diving at the beginning, my body hurts and it's hard-working. I really like going outside my comfort zones, growing up and meeting new people.
Nice video to explain and
another more in action