I'm kinda bored so I'll write in here today. School is closed today! I was sooo excited! But it rained/snowed/hailed out a little bit, it was a mess! So, no kids are out today, everyone is inside (like me!) I was telling some of my friends to get livejournals too, so hopefully I will see them on here soon. It seems like you are NEVER good
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happy, happy!
pick a major you're good at; you can always change later. :D
I hope desperately that your high school experience is in the ballpark to the one i knew; mainly, your age-old enemies are suddenly the BOTTOM of a bully food chain, and disappear into obscurity, with their tails between their legs. And really, to bully a 9th grader was considered so grotesquely beneath all upper-classmen, that anyone who did so was signing their own uncoolness warrant. Freshmen (then) had this sort of pet-like, dewy innocence, in the upper classmen's eyes; which made them cute and almost collectable, whereas anyone younger in middle school might as well have had "BAIT" written on their forehead.
Im rambling, im sorry. I imagine in some ways, all schools are alike, in that clique-ishness and pressure to succeed. And in some sense, all middle schools are going to suck worse in light of their cramped, light-speed acceleration in a peapod feeling. But in high school, there's typically so much variation, so many different niches and clubs and specialties and ways to either distinguish yourself or disappear...you'll find like minds, without even trying. Middle school was a piranha tank. High school was like a clothes dryer, where pretty much everybody was tossed together and fell away again over and over, until you found people who you could really STICK with. It is (psychologically) easier, in my humble opinion. By a mile.
PS-if there's anything you'd like to change about yourself, the summer in between middle school and high school is the most perfect time in your entire life to do that. Everyone else will be doing the same thing. Out with the old, in with the new :}
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