The Incredibles

Nov 10, 2004 14:03

The Incredibles is incredible. It attempts to increase solidarity and self-worth within your social circle, and it succeeds. That it kept me thinking for several hours after I saw it is a testament to Pixar's ability to pack in so much subtlety into their fast-paced movies that I can't digest everything in real-time.

I also enjoyed the nods to robotics and AI. The latter was covered in a bit more detail than one would expect from a mainstream movie. A whole subplot covers the training of a learning algorithm, and it explicitly includes some iterations. Is it merely coincidental that two of the major technical people at Pixar are former CMU SCS profs? Even when you consider that the [nima vinilla]* resembles a [gruelsintdd] CS [archeres] more so than does your average [amd nicestist]?

*Anagrams used to prevent spoiling the movie...;) Try NOT to think about them. It's as simple as not thinking about a polar bear. Don't think about a polar bear, okay? ;)
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