The Outlands Pentalogy: A Promise of Return (3/5)

Nov 05, 2017 10:57

Author: Rebecca Crunden
Links: Amazon/Goodreads
Summary: When Thom Anteros is arrested after breaking into the Building of Historical Records, he demands to be taken before the King. A laughable demand for anyone else, Thom's request is granted and the King spares his life. Yet what's to become of him is left in the hands of the one person Thom truly fears - Mickey Taenia, the King's Hangman.

Infuriated by Thom's refusal to reveal the whereabouts of Nate and Catherine, the Hangman sends Thom to one of the worst places in the Kingdom - the slave markets of Muntenia. It is there that Thom is bought for the Red Arena: a barbaric, gladiator-type competition where the children of convicts and other unlucky souls are forced to fight to the death.

Twenty wins is release. One loss is death.

With the help of Charles Thoreau, a fellow captive, Thom begins not only to survive, but to thrive. A master of words becomes a master of death, and Thom's prowess in the arena frightens even him.

But death isn't the only thing haunting Thom. As the days go by, he dreams of his brother, and the promise he cannot forget.

I will return.
Available in: Kindle, Paperback
Genres: dystopian, lgbt, futuristic, science fiction, action/adventure, romance
Notes about book/series: All five books are already completed and in the process of being edited, so these books aren't going to be a WIP! The POV changes from book to book and at various points the central pairing is either m/f or m/m, with background pairings across the board. And as dark as my stories get, I do tend to love happy (or at least reasonable) endings. So never fear!

title: a promise of return, central pairing: m/m, author: rebecca crunden, part of a series, series: the outlands, genre: dystopian, available: paperback, available: kindle, genre: science fiction, pov: male

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