The West Wing - The Jackal 11/?

Nov 23, 2007 12:09

Title: The Jackal - Chapter 11
Pairing: CJ/Toby
Rating: Teen... to be safe.
Summary: After being admitted to hospital, Abbey meets and decides to adopt a fourteen-year-old girl. But there may be something more to this rogue orphan… can The First Lady help her? AU

Monday November 7th

Alex stared out her bedroom window, watching people walking outside the gates. A small groups of children stared through the bars, an older child telling them something interesting about the building no doubt. “Alex?” She turned around to find Abbey standing in the doorway.

“Hi.” She turned back to the window and stared up as a helicopter went by for the fifth time.

“How was school?” Abbey asked as she leant against the door.

“It was alright. I got an ‘A’ on that English assignment I handed in on Friday,” Alex sat down on the window ledge, avoiding looking in Abbey’s direction. “Miss Lyle said I had a way with words.”

“Well that’s fantastic,” Abbey smiled to herself, thinking how proud Toby would be of his daughter. “But you don’t seem so happy.” She walked carefully into the room, and sat on the edge of the bed.

“Abbey if the test is negative, you’ll still want me right?”

“Of course,” Abbey frowned. “Where’s this coming from?”

“I’ve been thinking about living with CJ if it turns out she is my Mom.” Alex muttered, almost incoherently. She hugged her knees, and turned her head to face the First Lady. “But if you want me to stay here, then I will.”

“Alex, you have to do what’s right for you. No one can make this decision for you, and if CJ is your mother then I’d encourage you to live with her. If that’s what you want.” She motioned for Alex to join her on the bed, and the young girl did so. “I’m not going to kick you out, if you want to stay here. Jed and Zoey would probably skin me alive if I even tried.” Abbey smiled as Alex laughed at her joke.

“Yeah but you’d probably kick their butts for it.” Alex grinned, still slightly laughing.

“That’s right, and you know why?”

“Because nobody messes with Abigail Bartlet!” They yelled together, causing Alex to start giggling again.

“I won’t move in with CJ right away,” Alex told Abbey seriously, as she began to calm down. “It would give us some more time to get used to the idea. She might not even want me to move in when it all comes out.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Abbey pulled Alex close to her and gave her a hug. “Who wouldn’t want you?”

“Abbey, I’ve been in an orphanage since I was six. Do you really want to go there?”

“I think we should organise a dinner,” Abbey sighed, changing the subject as best she could. “I’m going to be in Canada on the weekend, and Jed’s got some important thing on Saturday that we girls don’t need to worry about. You should have dinner, or lunch, with CJ and Toby.”

“Sounds like a good idea. Can I go ask them now, before they make any plans?”

“Sure,” Abbey smiled letting her go. “They should still be in their offices.” She watched as Alex ran out of the room, no doubt prepared to knock down anyone to reach her destination. For a moment she stared at the photo leaning against the lamp on the bedside table. The photo she’d sent in a letter to Alex for the weekend. For a moment she felt sorry for CJ. If the tests came back positive than CJ missed all the fun of having children, and gained a teenager about to hit her rebellious period. But at the same time she got the family she’d missed out on.


“Hey Toby.” Alex grinned, her head appearing in the doorway.

“Hello,” Toby looked up from his work and watched as the girl let herself into his office and sat down. “Aren’t you supposed to be at school, or something?”

“Or something,” Alex informed him, leaning forward and grabbing his rubber ball. “School finished at three, and I’ve finished my homework. Although I do have a pretty nasty assignment on the whole Thanksgiving thing, but Abbey said I should come down here and see you.”

“She’s not more worried about your education?”

“Doesn’t seem so,” Alex bounced the ball on Toby’s desk. “Why do you have a ball?”

“It does fun tricks.” Toby smiled to himself.

“Like what?”

“I’ll show you.” Toby held out his hand and Alex gave him the ball, a little confused. She shrieked as Toby pelted the ball at the window looking into Sam’s office.

“What can I do for you?” Almost instantly, it seemed, Sam was in the doorway.

“No, I was just showing Alex the perks of my job.” Toby shrugged, he let the ball roll out of his hand towards Alex.

“That’s not something to be used as a source of amusement Toby,” Sam frowned over the top of his glasses. “You could break the window, and then we’d all be in trouble.” With that said, Sam disappeared back into his office.

“That was pretty neat,” Alex laughed, rolling the ball across the desk between her hands. “So I was wondering…”

“Yes?” Toby had gone back to work, but he glanced up at her as she spoke again.

“Abbey’s going to Canada over the weekend, for some conference, and I was wondering if you’d like to join me for dinner on Saturday night in the Residence?” She didn’t look up, just continued paying with the rubber ball. “And of course, I’m inviting CJ too.”

“That sounds good.”

“Okay,” Alex was unable to stop grinning. “How’s dinner at seven?”

“Make it seven thirty and I’ll see you then.” Toby bargained, leaning back in his chair.

“Cool,” Standing up, Alex threw the ball to Toby and headed for the door. “Well then, I better go tell CJ. See you around.” She disappeared out the door, and Toby smiled to himself.

Chapter 12

character: ensemble, fan fiction series: the jackal, type: fan fiction, show: the west wing, character: toby ziegler, character: claudia jean cregg

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