Caprica - I Saw You Once, Before You Were Born

May 09, 2009 15:47

Title: I Saw You Once, Before You Were Born
Disclaimer: ‘Caprica’, ‘Battlestar Galactica’, and their characters do not belong to me. It’s a gross injustice, but I’m dealing with it.
Rating: K
Spoilers: Caprica Pilot
Companion Piece: She Laughed, And You Heard Me
Summary: The fates of some people are woven deeper than they could ever imagine.
Author’s Notes: Set within the realms of Caprica though toying with the future Battlestar Galactica characters.


The game had started out with reasonable hope for both sides, even with the Bucaneers unfortunate series run, but by half time it was clear that the home side wasn’t changing their reputation any time soon. William tucked his hands into his pockets and looked around the court. His father was talking with Daniel Greystone and he was more interested in the crowd anyway. Scanning the rows around him, he wondered to himself why so many people would come to the game if there was such a strong chance their team would lose.

Then again, he’d gone.

Behind him a young woman was laughing. It was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard, almost like his mother used to laugh. But there was something more to it. He turned slightly in his seat to glance at her. Dark brown curls hung delicately around her face and her bright green eyes glistened as she laughed. On her lap she carefully held a book and as she brought it up, to press against her chest while she laughed, he could just make out the title.

“Searider Falcon,” He read out loud, blanching as he realised he had. Embarrassed by his own rudeness, he lowered his head and moved to turn back around.

“You know this title, Young Man?” The young woman asked, placing her bookmark within its pages and leaning forward to speak to him.

William turned back to face her, looking into her green eyes as he calmed himself. “I have heard of it,” He admitted, turning more in his chair. “Well, I got it for my birthday. But I haven’t read it yet.”

“When was your birthday?”

“Two weeks ago,” He gave a small smile, his eyes on the book again. The copy he had in his room had been a present from his mother that he had only recently gotten around to opening. “I turned eleven.”

“Well,” The young woman smiled, a beautiful bright smile, as she tapped the leg of the man next to her. “My husband, Edward, teaches a Literature course at the Caprica City University, and they are currently studying it. From what his students have told me, and what I’ve read, it’s quite thrilling.”

William looked to the man next to her, taking in his appearance. He had bright red hair, almost like Greystone but with a hint of brown in it, and then there were those piercing eyes. He couldn’t really tell if they were blue or green. However he did know that there was something about the couple that he liked. “I will have to read it then,” He nodded.

“Yes you will,” She nodded enthusiastically. “If you love books, you’re going to adore this with all your heart.”

“I already do,” He spoke, just loud enough over the crowd.

“I thought you said you hadn’t read it yet?”

“It was a gift,” He told her sincerely. “From my mother, she... died in the bombing.”

The young woman slid to the edge of her seat and gently touched his shoulder. “I’m so sorry,” She told him quietly as the crowd began to roar around them. The second half was about to begin, but she didn’t move away. Her eyes searched his for a moment and she smiled softly. “It is going to mean so much to you. Keep it always.” Her hand lightly patted his shoulder and she sat back in her chair.

Turning back around in his chair, William bowed his head for a moment to try and steady his heartbeat. The pain that lurked there had eased somehow in talking to the woman. It wasn’t completely gone, but he was feeling better. He was feeling stronger.

And as soon as he got home he would read Searider Falcon.

show: caprica, character: william adama, type: ficlet

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