Real Life - Watch That Scene

Oct 23, 2008 18:06

Title: Watch That Scene
For: girlie_girl_23
Disclaimer: Meryl Streep doesn’t belong to me. Which REALLY sucks, but I’m gradually dealing with it.
Pairing: PairingWhatPairing!? It's Meryl Streep she doesn't need a pairing.
Word Count: 100
Rating: Kid Friendly
Summary: Filming Mamma Mia.


Okay, okay, here it comes...

As everyone belted out the last line Meryl shoved Christine into the water, and then moved quickly to knock Julie off the side of the pier too. It all had to be done perfectly or she was going to miss it and they’d all have to be dried out before starting again.

Adrenaline pumping through her body she took a flying leap into air and bombed into the water.

It was so refreshing and exhilarating! Within an instant she’d resurfaced and was being splashed in the face. It was worth it.

This is actually happenin

type: real life fiction, movie: mamma mia, type: drabble, !requests, actress: meryl streep

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