Battlestar Galactica - I Would Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)

Nov 23, 2007 21:14

Title: I Would Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That)
Disclaimer: Battlestar Galactica, and its characters, don’t belong to me. Which kind of sucks, but I’m dealing with it.
Pairing: Roslin/Adama
Rating: M.. if only for one bit.
Summary: He couldn’t believe with out her supporting him. It was her belief that had kept him going for so long.

A/N: The title and the chapter titles come from the song by Meat Loaf. This was written for the AR Month of Love.

Chapter One: I'll never forget the way you feel right now

Heightened senses were like a blessing to Bill as he lay with her in his arms and he couldn’t help but thank the Gods, which he didn’t believe in, for hallucinogenics. He gently ran his fingers up and down her arm, the small action more relaxing than he ever thought it would be. They’d stopped talking as the night wore on, content to just lie together. Even as she snuggled up against him it felt as though she was hovering above beside him, almost as if she would float away if he was to let go. His hand moved to her hip and he pulled her as close as he could, hearing her moan quietly as her pelvis pressed against his hip. The need to hear and feel her reaction to every little thing was overwhelming. His fingers moved slightly up under her shirt and he heard her breathe in deeply. It almost felt as though a fire had ignited within him as his fingers touched her skin.

“You’re so beautiful Laura,” He breathed into her hair, moving to press a series of soft kisses against her head. Electricity pulsed through his body as he felt her hand drawing circles against his chest.

“You’re so stoned Bill,” As the drawn out words drifted into the night air, she was overcome with giggles. Her whole body shook against him and she buried her face in his shoulder. “The Admiral’s stoned!” She squealed against his uniform.

“The school teacher’s even more stoned,” He pointed out.

The noise around them was beginning to die down as the night began to consume their festivities. He lifted her chin and lightly kissed her lips, lingering in the moment as they continued to drift away from their harsh reality.

Chapter Two: I'll never forgive myself if we don't go all the way tonight

She put a hand to her head as he pulled her up, the drugs affecting her as if she suffered vertigo. They broke away from each other and he watched as she stumbled towards her tent. Somehow in the heavy drug-induced steps she still seemed to glide.

He moved in behind her as they entered the tent. His arm slid around her waist and his free hand moved down her hip, slowly beginning to gather her skirt at her thigh. That melodic moan once again escaped from deep in the back of her throat as she moved back against him.

“You’re either a hallucination or you’re a Goddess,” He growled against her ear. The skirt came to an end and his fingers grazed her thigh, moving slowly up to her abdomen to skim the top of her underwear. “That’s it. You’re a Goddess of divine power. A Deity above all others.”

“You don’t believe in the Gods…” She pointed out, her voice barely above a hoarse whisper.

“The way you look and the way you move,” One hand slid up to caress her breast as the other dipped below, fingers moving painfully slow against her. “You could make me believe in the Gods.”

“Mmm…” She moaned, turning her head slightly and capturing his lips in a hungry kiss. Her hand slid behind his neck, pulling him closer. As she felt him begin to remove his hands she took the opportunity to turn in his arms. “I could make you believe?” The purr in her voice was deep and seductive, not something he would have ever dreamt to hear in Laura’s voice and not something he could resist.

“I believe in you,” He breathed against her lips, walking her backwards until they fell together onto her rack. “To me, Laura, you’re more than any Goddess could ever be.”

Chapter Three: I'll never do it better than I do it with you

Standing in front of the mirror, he found himself frozen in time. Thoughts collided and wrestled against each other as he considered the possibilities of his actions. He’d left her alone on New Caprica at the hands of the Cylons. It was quite possible that she hadn’t survived, in which case he didn’t want to go down to the Hangar deck. It wasn’t worth going if he was only going to be disappointed. The truth was he needed her with him, if only to stand by his side in good times and in bad. He glanced down at the gold band on his finger, gently sliding it off.

“In sickness and in health,” He muttered as he placed the ring on the sink.

He had literally watched her die and only now did it occur to him why he hadn’t walked away. It would have been so easy to go back to work and let her die alone. It was the same reason he had slept with her on New Caprica. The very same reason why he hadn’t smiled since that last morning he kissed her.

Taking a deep breath, he fixed his uniform and began his walk to the Hangar deck. He had to ensure that it hadn’t been his last chance to kiss her. Even if she was brought to Galactica on a stretcher and he was given a moment to kiss her goodbye, he had to know she made it off the planet.

This was, after all, Laura Roslin - Former President of the Twelve Colonies, whether she liked it or not. She was a fighter. So it didn’t matter that he knew Saul would be watching over her for him, because he knew she would have fought tooth and nail. Surely, of all people, she wouldn’t have given up hope that Galactica would return.

He hated the thought that she may have lost faith in him.

Faith was the most important thing, and he needed her with him if he had and hope of finding Earth. He couldn’t believe with out her supporting him. It was her belief that had kept him going for so long. She put her heart into the idea of finding Earth, and when it came to holding on to hope he drew strength from her. Just having her near seemed to make him feel so much calmer.

As he reached the Hangar deck he was surprised to find Colonial One had already docked, granted he wouldn’t be too pleased to welcome Baltar onto his ship again. But as the hatch slid open it was her that he saw. Even wearing baggy clothing and with dirt staining her face, she still looked as stunning as ever. Before he knew it he was offering her a hand as she reached the final step, and without thinking he pulled her into his arms. Relishing the comfort he felt by just holding her.

Chapter Four: I'll never stop dreaming of you every night of my life

“Don’t you dare leave me again,” She whispered as her arm tightened around him.

“I can assure you I’ll never leave your side, willingly, again,” He told he quietly, pulling away to look into her eyes. “If I had my way I’d never let you go.” Without a care for the hundreds of people surrounding them, he kissed her deeply. It was at that moment he realised just how much he’d missed her.

The noise level grew as people began to take notice of them. But it didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was that she was alive, and she was back where she belonged… with him.

He smiled as they parted. To be honest he was probably grinning like an idiot, a very rare occurrence. His gently brushed her dark curls out of her face and kissed her forehead. “Laura,” It had been too long since he’d spoken her name. “Forget about everything else, and marry me?” The words flowed out quickly and quietly as he continued to hold her close.

“You know I wouldn’t have it any other way,” She smiled brightly, the smile he’d missed so much. “But what happens if I decide I want to run for Presidency again?”

“We’ll just have to learn to work together,” He rested his hand against her cheek and softly brushed her lips with his thumb. “I love you, Laura.”

“I love you too,” She whispered, pushing up onto her toes to kiss him again. A thought occurred to her and she smiled. “I prayed so hard that at times I thought you’d be able to hear me, as though I was screaming across the galaxy. You did. You came back…”

“I would do anything for you.”

show: battlestar galactica, character: laura roslin, type: fan fiction, character: william adama

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