As you probably already know, last week Linds was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. So, Club Degenerate has been stepping our game up by planning to organize a big fundraiser to help Whitaker pay her medical bills, and we're participating in the MS Walk in May. The money raised at the Walk will support both medical research and local programs to serve those with MS. I know times are tough right now, but it would mean so much if you are able to donate just a little to this cause. You can make donations online via
our group's profile page > Let's make MS feel foolish!
Thank you so much to everyone who has already contributed!
In other, less important news...
I feel like I've hardly had time to breathe this week. Non-stop.
Tonight at volleyball open gym, I played with guys who are absolutely AWESOME, and I'm mega stoked that we exchanged digits, so I could join a Tuesday night league with them... So for the next few months, my weeks will be as such:
Monday - gym
Tuesday - volleyball games
Wednesday - gym
Thursday - hospital intramural volleyball league
Friday - none
Saturday - volleyball practice
Sunday - volleyball games.
Dang! Get a life, gym rat!! I feel like I'm back at college! :)
This weekend I'm going out for dinner/drinks with old friends from the Daily Illini... family reunion!
That's all I've got! <3