Apr 13, 2009 15:40
If you could pick 3 bands to go on tour together, which ones?
Seether, love their live shows. Hurt, of course. And Tool.
You can receive a 500$ gift card to one store; which store is it?
Best Buy, I can spend money there like no-bodies business.
What kind of contest do you think you might be able to win?
Mmm, jumping? A game of wit? I have no idea. You guys hear about the chick who guessed 7,954 jelly beans in a jar and won $25,000 because of it? Rock her!
What was the last song you listened to on the radio?
Oh god, haven't listened to the radio in months.
Have you ever requested a song?
Yes! Breaking Benjamin - So Cold when it first came out. They didn't play it =\
What was your favorite old Nintendo game?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2
Is it difficult being you? who ( if anyone ) would you rather be?
I'm very fortunate. and life would be even better if I started taking charge of my life instead of making myself convienant for others.
Would you want to switch places with someone for a day? who?
I think a lot of life is all mentallity. So switching places would just make it me away from people I love. So I'll stay
With which do you identify more: republican or democrat?
Democrat I suppose
What do you think of Obama's choice in gifts to Gordon Brown?
No idea what that's about...
If you can donate blood, but don't, what is your reason?
Embarassingly, it scares me for some reason.
Do you experience hyperactivity after drinking an enery drink?
I experience hyperactivity after eating a bagel. I'm very influenced by any type of food/drink
---do you later crash?
I just slow down, I don't crash.
When was the last time that you ate breakfast?
Right now, cereal and pears.
Make up on boys: okay / not okay? why / why not?
Eh, I think it's a little silly. I had eye liner put on me twice when I was 15. Didn't go well. mom thought I was on the PCP.
Make up on girls: okay / not okay? why / why not?
Honestly, I'm not a fan. I like the natural look a lot more. Makeup just seems so fake to me. I declined a girl asking me out in high school because she wore makeup everyday. It's...wierd.
Is it okay ( in your opinion ) for girls to wear clothing meant for males?
It's so hot to see a chick wearing a guys shirt! Although the baggy male sweat pants or gym shorts...not so much.
---how about the other way around?
Eh...I think it's just funny to see guys wearing the girly pants.
Do you fit into your gender's " role "?
I don't. I'm thin for a guy, like geeky stuff, don't watch sports, don't like to go after any girl I can get.
Have you ever met anyone who was transgendered?
If they were, they didn't mention it.
Have you ever met anyone that claimed to be asexual?
Hmm...doesn't that mean you can impregnate yourself?
If you had to give up on one of your hobbies, which one would it be?
Porn, it's the most useless.
Where do you think is the worst place to raise a child?
Somewhere with lots of bad influence and violence.
How have your opinions on the octuplet mom changed as more information, plans, and interviews have been revealed?
What's the big deal? She has a bunch of kids and a BUNCH of social securrity money. Let her try and fix her un-happyness with lotsa babies.
If you were DJ'ing at a club, what 5 songs would you pick to put on, and play first?
Blue-Eifel 65 to get started! And then whatever.
Have you ever been to a night club?
Yes, loud, hot, and lotsa drugged out kids. It was...interesting
What is your favorite '70s band?
Cat Stevens
Rod Stewart!
ALmost all of them! 90's were the best.
Another decade is almost over; how do you feel about that?
Shows how old I'm getting, I remember Y2K panic.
Have you ever been stereotyped?
All the time, Mexican or gay mostly. Ironically never been called a gay mexican.
How often does your school close due to the weather?
Hmm...3 times this year? Wish it would close today, I'm very tired or running it by myself. Lazy boss.
Your biggest concern about today is:
Why am I stressing so easily? It's just not one of those good weeks for me.
Have you ever been pranked called? what happened?
Yes, by friends and annonymous people. They called as a girl asking me out on a date, it was obviously a guys voice. And they called as "Special Ed" from Crank Yankers using a sound board.
What does your screenname say about you?
It was a joke off 80s cartoon bad guys.
Do your screennames ever have any significance?
I only have one, it's just a name.
Have you ever dated someone just because of their looks?
I wanted to date a girl because she was hot, I hated her personallity though.
---Did it last?
Got bored of her pretty fast.
What was something you always got in trouble for as a kid?
Big liar, trouble maker all around, and made my own justice against wrong doers in the family.
---Do you still get in trouble for that now?
Not nearly as much!
What does " being true to yourself " mean to you?
It means following what you want to do more than what peers want you to do. Do things for yourself not because your asked.
What, to you, would be " a fate worse than death "?
To lose it all of course. To survive putting up with having nothing.
What do you think of people that purposely try not to conform?
I guess they really want to stand out. I used to just make fun of them.
Have you ever envied someone for something s/he could do?
Absolutely, I have my envious side.
---what about for something s/he had?
Strength, leadership, humor, and such.
Is there a cause that you would stand up and fight for?
Many I have stood up for.
What are three things you think about most often?
Her, Myself, and the 2 stories.
When was the last time you let your feelings out?
I try to always say my mind without being over-dramatic.
---Do you tend to wait until you just " explode "?
I don't explode, ever.
Do you care more about yourself, or other people?
I try to care more about others, but I make sure I keep myself happy as well. I can be greedy.
---Why do you think this is so?
Because others happy makes me happy. But I still want to be happy on my own accord.
What movie have you seen that was better than the book?
Starship troopers!
What book have you read that was better than the movie?
Fight Club.
Is there a book that you would like to recommend to others?
Check out Rant. I loved it.
---if yes, what makes that book worth reading?
Very original and unlike most books.
Have you ever spend any time studying philosophy?
A bit, it seemed pointless to me since it's all opinion.
Which valentine's day has been the best so far?
09, by a long shot.
What movie have you not seen since childhood?
Mmm...Fievel Goes West. It's been a while.
Have you ever eaten " lunchables "?
Actually, I eat them often at work.
---If yes, which was your favorite?
Pizza, nachos, and chicken tenders.
Have you ever made a gift for someone instead of buying them one?
I try to, but I'm not very good at crafts.
Do you have a radio?
In my car
Taking a completely random guess... How many songs do you listen to in a day?
When measuring do you use MMs or CMs; what about inches?
Camp Rock or High School Musical? (If you've not seen either, why haven't you watched?)
Neither, after my time
Ever had murderous thoughts?
Yes, for a while, I had a whole plan, but no one to use it on.
Have you ever rejected someone and then a couple months later you realize just how hot they really are?
I didnt reject them. i tried to move past them. Didn't work.
What would you do if you dumped your boyfriend/girlfriend and almost immediately they got with your bestfriend?
He'd die, her, I can't hurt her.
Do you think the meaning to your name reflects your personality at all? Or do you think it's coincidence?
My name has no meaning that I am aware of.
What is your favourite word to say?
"i was about to say"
Do you find yourself adopting another’s accent in a conversation with them?
Not really
Are you wearing any jewelery at the moment?
Are there some words that you just can't spell, no matter how many times you try?
What is your favourite historical event?
Hmm...I don't know
Have you ever done a dissection? Did you feel bad?
Yes and yes.
Name one animal.
What feature of that animal do you find the most fascinating?
I'm a tiger fan, the stripes
What's your favourite type of apple?
Was the year you were born a leap year?
In your opinion; innocent until proven guilty or guilty until proven innocent?
Innocent until proven guilty.
Would you ever enter a compettion like the XFactor (American Idol), Britain/America's Got Talent, Britain/America's Next Top Model?
Why not, I'll try