So I haven't written anything in here for a bit, so why the fuck not, right?
So Lea apparently got grades her parents weren't willing to accept, and got herself grounded. Normally, that wouldn't phase me, because I've been grounded before for the same sort of thing, and it's sort of a fact of life if your parents are moderately to highly strict. Unfortunately, part of the grounding is not being able to see anyone on days of the week that are school nights. Translation: I get to see her two nights a week, max. I finally actually find a girl that I want to spend just about every waking second with, and now I get to see her twice a week at best. High school has proven to me again, after I got the fuck out of it, that it is the infected asshole of life.
The good part of this scenario is that she's on April Vacation all week next week, so she can see me. This means we'll most likely be hanging out just about every day, and more likely than not, fucking like drunk bunnies. More details than you needed, yes, but I felt like saying it.
In other news, I'm looking at
this college as a serious possibility for a future. Looks like they've got a well credited Game Design curriculum, and the type of learning environment that would be conducive to me actually, yknow, learning something. The bad part? It would be a financial nightmare for me and my family, since it's a private school with no dorms in Florida, meaning I'd have to get an apartment in Florida and have my parents, my savings, or possibly a loan pay for it. It's a decent shot at a great future that is going to really, really hurt my and my parents wallets. I'm looking around for good alternatives to Full Sail, but currently, this looks like my best shot.
I need to stop fucking procrastinating and get the hell out of my thankless job.
I need to stop fucking procrastinating and get the hell out of my thankless job.
I need to stop fucking procrastinating and get the hell out of my thankless job.
I need to stop fucking procrastinating and get the hell out of my thankless job.
I need to stop fucking procrastinating and get the hell out of my thankless job.
I need to stop fucking procrastinating and get the hell out of my thankless job.
I need to stop fucking procrastinating and get the hell out of my thankless job.
... ARGH!!!
::bangs head on desk::
Alright, I'm better now.
I spoke to Alyssa the other day, for the first time in the months since she essentially told me to fuck off. Sounds like time might've healed yet another wound, because we spoke the way we always have, right down to the infamous rib-cracking Alyssa hug (in front of dozens of snot-faced pissant High School kids, no less). I hope the grudges can be buried, whatever they were, because I would like to talk to her again.
One of these days I'll get my new journal going. I started to work on it, and stopped. Maybe I'll talk to Nikkol about helping me set up a style that I'd like, and borrow Matt's webcam for a few stock shots I can work with... or go to Alyssa's house and do one of our old little photo shoot things we used to do. Those were fun. I need to get back into the stuff I used to enjoy a little bit more, now that CoH is wearing off a bit and Lea has me actually pulling myself away from the computer on a regular basis.