(no subject)

Aug 23, 2007 00:18

today me and the fam went to burroughs park and it was magnificent fun. we grilled and gamed. except that i didn't eat anything because it was all meats. except for the potato salad and cole slaw... but i find it very unsettling to eat foods that consist heavily of mayonnaise when i'm sitting in the sun...

i took a bunch of pictures with my polaroid. here are some. they didn't scan as well as i had hoped. and i have no idea how amy managed to dodge getting into any of the pictures!

Type your cut contents here.

Lily is such an amazing slider!


older father and daughter. we rock at frisbee

omg... we're dorks

As soon as i met everyone there i ran to lily and she gave me the hugest smile ever and then when i put the ginormous camera in front of my face she got disoriented. so precious

The ducks were might hungry so we tried to feed them lily. they didn't take

that sneaky sneak swiped an oatmeal raisin cookie!!!

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