Sep 12, 2005 22:51
i donno. i feel like updating. well school really starts tomrrow. i already have hw which i still havent done. today i did nothing really. i went to the mall with my sister bought some stuff i don't need. um then i have my 1st day of work. it was easy. i put away most of the books, so who ever has work after me has pretty much nothing to do. i have to learn to put them away more slowly. haha. oh yea i made brownies for kristina since its her birthday tomorrow. i think they came out pretty i had my video meeting. it was only me and frank and we decided we didn't want to stay, so we turned off all the lights and call brian and frank said that he cancelled the meeting cause he just woke up and doesn't feel like comming, so we had to hide out thinking brian was outsidee. yea pretty wierd. we think dan is gone for good cause we havent heard anything, so yea. that sucks, who will make fun of me now? darn. yea so i should have my car sometime next week. the guy is going to start to write the papers up, whatever that means. its nothing great. its a 91 honda, and ugly color but oh well. good thing is they already installed a cd player, so bonus. at least its a car and then i won't have to bum rides off people. well i need to take a shower but no one is home and yea i don't like to when no one is home and its late and i have a headache, so yea.
but.... tomorrow 1st new gilmore girls!! we find out what luke said!!! so fucking excited!!!!