ok so this was a really busy weekend. and i'm still drunk. so dont mind this post.
i started the day off with being late to work. i was supposed to be in at 8:30, but for obvious reasons i was late. i woke up at my moms house at like past 9 am. llahh so drunk lol. it was nice though
danny was there. i woke him up and took him home. sarahs party was great, i had a reallly nice time hanign out with people i havent seen in about a year plus.
so then i woke up this morning, went to work. then went straight to this ballet at 8 in palm beach gardens. i actually liked it a lot. i'm so jealous of those girls lol,; but then again who isn't??? its motivated me to take ballet classes. so after that tonight i called cary and we went to tom and tys housewarming party. it was cool as well. i've had few drinks, it was fun. th eonly thing is i always get in these heated debates about posing nude and how its degrading. well its not. if you really wanna argue with me. call my cell phone and i will prove you wrong. (if i'm in the arguing mood) but seriously. there is nothign wrong with pictures, even if you have a BF. he should love you regardless. but anywho. i thin kme and zoe wanna go to bed now. ttyl :)