Apr 06, 2005 21:38
Today was a wierd day, but not a bad day. I'm going to get a job with EO tomorrow, hopefully. I woke up too late today but I set my alarm for really early so I have to wake up on time tomorrow, plus I already have my clothes layed out and my hair did, so I'll just have to roll over, dress, deodorize, re-brush teeth and hair, gloss and shoes and then I'm out the door :D And I'm not letting myself come back for a while...I'll hang out downtown or the such, I just really need the fresh air, if anyone wants to hang out just give me a ringaling. I don't usually say ringaling...that's pretty ewwwy....I take it back...delete delete :P I'm just bsin' on the phone with Mr. Mateo thank good'ness he doesn't owe me $1200 or else I might have to move to Brazil...oKay I'm just crazy I watched all about Jessie James HollyWood on CBS Dateline tonight...too bad if he wasn't a killer and had completely different teeth it might be on, but then I'm not a hottie from Brazil either...PLUS...I feel so bad for that chick that's stuck with the killer bun in her oven....I wonder if Hollywood Junior speak Brazilliack or English...maybe it'll just talk like Valley girl acause that's where it's Papa's from.