
Oct 23, 2010 18:42

TITLE: Silence
AUTHOR: seleraf 
FANDOM: Arashi
PAIRING: Sho Sakurai/Masaki Aiba.
GENRE: Romance. Erotic.
WARNINGS: Slash. Flashfic. PWP.
DEDICATED TO:  sylviakun 
DISCLAIMERS:  I unfortunately do not own them. This story is only a fiction.
NOTES: I wanted to translate this flashfic from Italian only for fun. English is not my mother-language so I decided to have it betaed by a friend, although it is not her mother-language too. If there are some mistakes, please forgive us me.

( For the English version of "Silenzio", this way, please ~ )

x: slash, p: masaki aiba/sho sakurai, x: pwp, r: nc-17, ^eng, +fan fiction, #flashfic, artist: arashi, g: erotico, g: romantico

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