(no subject)

Jan 04, 2006 17:16

hello there!
oh my, it's been a while. happy new year and such.
in no real order, some things that have been happening in my life:
- a glorious two-week holiday. visiting, relaxing, and more relaxing. no. work. whatsoever. yet. (i still have 4 days. how crazy is that!!)
- a flood in our basement. last night. a pipe called NO-CORRODE has collapsed and now refuses to transport waste from our house to the sewer. we may soon dig up the front yard. let's just say i don't know if i would've bought certain things in the past month had i expected this.
- the job is going fine. i love it - especially this break part. did i mention that already?
- a digital camera. that's right. now i will post every knitting and garden-related thing that has been stored in my brain, that i have wanted to post for the past, um, three years.
- a nice new year's eve eve party. thanks to all who came and boo to those who didn't! just kidding, but thanks to those who came. i still have three boozy crepe suzettes left over. the morning after, i tried to nibble on a corner and discovered that the French 75 had indeed masked the severe rum flavour and effect of the crepes. it was still pretty good, though, but i had to sit down for a while before i started cleaning up.
- lots of alright films: howl's moving castle, dick and jane, lie with me (only okay), squid and the whale, and some 5/$1.99 dvds sitting downstairs.

hmmm. that's all for now. soon i'll post pictures and hopefully not go mia for the next six months.
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