{005} - (Not so) triumphant return

Apr 06, 2009 23:46


[There's a bit of a rustling noise, the wind blowing through the trees. But there's something else there, something that sounds like heavy but shallow breathing.]

C...can't... [A sound of someone getting up and crawling noisily through the forest undergrowth but it stops then gets a bit closer.] My journal...[Allen collapses ( Read more... )

!mallynapped, !voice, !action

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[voice] emerald_archive April 7 2009, 04:45:16 UTC
Allen... ALLEN!


[voice] selenic_soul April 7 2009, 05:12:11 UTC
Lavi...? [a rustling as he struggles to get up again] I'm... I'll be fine. Just need to...rest.


[voice] emerald_archive April 7 2009, 06:14:42 UTC
W-we need to get you home. Dammit, I still can't see anythin'... Is anyone else comin' for you? I can try to get out there. [is already getting his boots on]


[voice] selenic_soul April 7 2009, 06:19:59 UTC
She...ena. Sheena is. [the clear sound of him flopping on the ground again with a grunt and a lightly pained moan] They..they star...ved me. Acti-activated my Inno...cence and...


[voice] emerald_archive April 7 2009, 06:56:45 UTC
Sheena is? Good. That's... that's good. She'll get you home.

Starved you...? Shit... that ain't good.

Okay. Just... try to hang on, yeah? I'll have some food ready for you when you get home.


[voice] selenic_soul April 7 2009, 07:00:31 UTC
I'll be fine... Just something...anything. [actually manages a weary smile] Not even Master starved me like this.


[voice] emerald_archive April 7 2009, 07:03:50 UTC
I'll get something ready. Just try not to move around too much, okay? [sounds of pots and pans clanging as Lavi fumbles around the kitchen]


[voice] selenic_soul April 7 2009, 07:14:31 UTC
Try not to... Just want to...get back. [he's mumbling a little now but not very coherent]


Re: [voice] emerald_archive April 7 2009, 09:03:19 UTC
I wish I could come get you...

Just hang in there. I'm sure Sheena will be there soon, yeah? And... I'm startin' some spaghetti for you, does that sound good?


[voice] selenic_soul April 7 2009, 20:13:22 UTC
[there's a moment of him being quiet before he finally exhales loudly] It sounds good. Thank you, Lavi...


[voice] emerald_archive April 8 2009, 05:53:52 UTC
[has a big pot of pasta cooked by the time Allen is brought back by Sheena and Zelos, and even some dished into a large bowl, sauce on top]

[once Allen is settled in bed, brings it in to him, carefully feeling his way into the room] Here you go... there's more if you need it, too. [sits on the edge of the bed and holds out the bowl and a fork]


[action] selenic_soul April 8 2009, 05:59:03 UTC
[had been dozing slightly but is sitting up when he hears Lavi enter the room, the scent of food rousing him] Thank you... [gently takes the bowl and the fork, licking his lips before starting to dig into it, eating with his usual speed]


[action] emerald_archive April 8 2009, 06:23:09 UTC
[pats his leg] There's plenty more. Eat all you want. [hears Allen eating quickly, though, and tilts his head, looking concerned] Take it easy, though, yeah? Don't want you gettin' sick.


[action] selenic_soul April 8 2009, 06:28:13 UTC
[a bit too late as he finishes up, closing his eyes and leaning back on the pillows] I'll be all right... [famous last words as he loses what he just ate back in the bowl with a horrible retch] U..ugh... I can't even keep anything down...


[action] emerald_archive April 8 2009, 06:32:13 UTC
[hears that and winces, putting his hand on Allen's shoulder] Damn... was afraid of that...

Try to drink a little water... is there some here for you? I'll get you some more to eat, and you'll just have to take it slow. Maybe some bread or something small first. Your stomach just ain't used to food right now.


[action] selenic_soul April 8 2009, 06:35:35 UTC
[nods lightly, reaching up to pat Lavi's hand] I'm sorry... It tastes good. I'll take it slower next time. [takes the glass on the nightstand, sipping at it and feeling his stomach calming slightly] They're terrible, aren't they?


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