[To say that these past weeks have been difficult would be putting it far too lightly, and placing her ongoing situation into a kinder light that hardly matched the turmoil she felt. Everyone she had spoken with had acted so strangely around her that she wasn't sure what to do or what to think, leading her to avoid speaking with anyone.
Today though, she chooses to go out and wander about the village; nothing would be gained from staying inside and avoiding this strange reality she was thrown into. Without thinking she makes her way to the bridge by C1, stopping look into the water beneath as she was left with her own thoughts. A long while passes before she finally draws out her journal with a heavy sigh, attempting a rather weak filter against her 'family' before she speaks:]
Does the term 'Luceti Valley'… mean anything to anyone?
[While she waits for the responses begin to come in, Tear tries to think of something more to say when without warning something in the water makes her start, nearly dropping the journal onto the creature smiling up at her. That unmistakable, unforgettable smile that could very well haunt her dreams to the point that all reserve is forgotten.]
((ooc: A reminder that Tear's mallynap effect is that she once again believes that she is a resident of
Luceti Valley. This is a joint post with
subethical, either one or both of us will respond and possibly even threadjack. For action, feel free to meet with Tear before and after the question, or spot Jade in his comfy new form. Have fun folks. :|b ))