(no subject)

Sep 26, 2012 21:28

I have a bed! that is, a bed frame for my mattress so my bed is now complete! Which means I can store things under it and possibly clear a path so my roommate doesn't have to pole-vault to the door!

At work, my bosses tell me I'm doing an excellent job, which is good because I kinda feel like I have no clue what I'm doing. Which mostly means that I do not, indeed, know what I'm doing. But apparently I'm really good at not knowing what I'm doing, because they keep giving me new stuff to not know and I haven't caused anything to explode yet.

Also, I have a problem, and it is not having consistent time to read, which means I go through periods where I have too many things checked out and then pay overdue fines (new Kaytland record: $14.70), and then there's times like now when I've exhausted everything and can't get to the library.

And then there're times when I could be reading but giggle at things on Youtube instead. Like basically anything by Jordan Taylor.

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It also distracts me from the school paper, which my sister picked up for me. In an article on the counseling center, with the word "counseling" in there all over the place, plus its logo with the word "counseling" in it, plus a pullout with information at the end containing the word "counseling"...the giant headline declares it "Counceling."

...Or the yearbook, which has two full pages on the magician from an event last year and named him "Henry Cho"...a comedian who visited in 2009. Guys, I love that school, but I just kind want to take a red pen to everything produced by students for mass consumption.
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