Mar 27, 2011 03:58
Well now I can't fall asleep. I pretty much wasted my day away lying in bed because I just didn't have the drive to do anything else. I feel ignored on the weekends, since Logan just watches some show I'm not interested in or he is off playing a game. Its like I have to do flips for him to notice me. Though he did make cinnamon buns for me this morning... blargh. I replaced our bedroom lights since 2 of the 4 bulbs had blown. Logan got the wrong watt bulbs... so we have four 100 watt bulbs in our room. I am pretty sure it should be classified under "surface of the sun" intensity since I believe you could get a sun tan from them. I told Logan not to turn the lights on unless he is searching for a hidden treasure since its so blinding. I enjoy dim lit rooms... much more relaxing.
I've noticed something funny recently. Heather only does laundry when she is out, and even then she doesn't finish it after she gets hers completed... She asked me for quarters and I told her we didn't have any yet. We do, but I'm getting tired of her using us. It aggravates me. She found the cereal I had hidden from her, I heard her pouring herself a bowl. You might think me weird or selfish for doing it, but you don't understand how quickly she will go through it. Looks like I'll have to hide it again or I won't get another bowl. BUY YOUR OWN DAMN CEREAL!
Lately I've been watching this anime called Nodame Cantabile. Its a really cute, mature anime about these two polar opposite students of a music school. They end up complimenting one another well, and at first Chiaki [the male lead] doesn't really like Nodame, who from the get go falls for him. They help one another grow and over come so many hurdles in their path... I finished the first season. Now I am about to start the second. Hope it keeps with it...
Its raining... softly rapping against he roof. I'm ready for the summer to be here! Ugh, again I'm watching Logan sleep and I feel envious of him. Its so simple, but it takes me a good two to three hours to pass out, and even then its a restless slumber. Maybe with starting this new job I will be able to wear myself out to sleep better. Heh. Oh yeah, I finally got back in touch with Dana. Of course she was playing World of Warcraft as well as trying to sleep. But it was nice to hear from an old soul such as her. I wish I could see her again. I hate how distance tears me from some of my most treasured friends. True friends... those that I can rely on.
I am a horrible person.