Oct 29, 2005 10:22
Hey everyone
Sorry I havn't been on very much, I've had a whole bunch of stuff to do what with the new Japanese leasons and Spanish leasons and other stuff like soccer and everything( I know, I'm a busy freak) but I'ma try to get on a lot more.
Ok new stuff ummm....well I'm still with my boyfriend Danny( Tamahome as I call him ^^) and I've made two new friends named Chris( Sir Chris) and Koda( Koda lol) and school is.....well....school. I've died my hair so it has kinda goldish streaks in it( I dunno if I've said that already >.<) and I've been keeping in touch with most of my friends.
Other News.....I might be moving back home to Wisconsin by this summer. Mom and I have decided that Ohio is cool, and I KNOW I'ma miss all my sisters( and my one brother, I didn't forget about you Matt ^^) here in Ohio but we think that the school system back in Wisconsin will be a lot better( you can't imagin how many people here are ignorant! I've been called racist so many times even though I'm...well....mixed and have both mixed white and black friends....so how does that work out?) and I know I won't have trouble back there cause I'll be able to be with all my old childhood friends( YAY I GET TO SEE MORGAN AND RACHAEL AGAIN! Lookin forward to baeting up Erik again too ^^) and well, no promises but it might happen.
Other then that, I've been doing good in school and All Hallows Eve is comin up! I'm going old school and being a Vamp( ahh...good times back in the day. Me and Star as vamps...Dan as the vamp slayer...Brad as who knows what...lol) I couldn't believe it when I found a shirt that just screams "Vampire"!! (and it does NOT look sluty Star!!!!!!!) but I can't wait ^_^
Well everyone!! Mata Ne!!! (See you later)