Oct 10, 2008 13:08
What if turned out that Trig, Sarah Palin's downs-afflicted baby, was actually Bristol's baby, and that Bristol and her boyfriend didn't want to keep it but didn't have a choice because of Alaska's parental consent laws? And that Sarah Palin forced her daughter to go ahead and give birth to a baby who was prenatally diagnosed with down syndrome? And then forced her daughter to fake a new pregnancy and get engaged to cover up the original lie? And what if there were some way to conclusively prove all this in the next twenty days?
I'm not saying it's possible... the whole idea holds about as much water as a sieve, but what an amazing windfall it would be for the country!
Can you imagine it? Can you imagine all those loving mothers and family-values voters who love Palin because of her midwestern-ish accent and her loving commitment to her family- especially her children- confronted with such a narrative? Opposed sex education and forced her daughter to carry a disabled baby to term! Lied to her whole state and then the rest of the country! Lied to you! Forced her daughter and "fucking redneck" baby daddy into a shotgun marriage in order to preserve her own political ambitions! And then lied to you about it! And wants to tell you about the best way to love and raise and educate your own children!
Liar! Hypocrite! Steamroller of children! Slave-driver of family! What nerve! What ruthlessness!
But wouldn't it be clever if the lie held? Bristol could easily claim a tragic miscarriage at any time between the first week of November and her December due date. The thought is sickening. Doctors, come forward!
I know, I know- for the record, I know that all this is just the wishful thinking of a Malarone-drugged mind that loves this country and desperately wants to save it... we are all allowed our daydreams, aren't we?
Today, this is mine.