I see the light at the end of the tunnel on the Never Ending Website! The graphics are finally finished and I've got the two largest image galleries put together. If I can get four hours of solid work in next weekend, I should be able to show the completed website to the client for sign-off. The idea of getting this off my plate by the end of the month really appeals.
The Quaker website is still problematic, due to serious issues with access to the site that the host is still refusing to sort out. Or even pay any attention to. The client has now contacted them to express his displeasure - I'm hoping that the money guy making some threats may finally get things rolling.
The only thing that hasn't been done is French homework. Erm. Possibly tomorrow evening would be a handy thing.
As a de-stress from HTML and graphics all day, I spend an hour reading Atlantis fic that broke my brain (
cesperanza) with the wrongness and the not-being-able-to-quit-reading-ness followed by
nel_ani's amnesia John/Rodney fic, which hit all the good spots of my love of this cliche. So, y'know, a day well-used :-)