A productive weekend, in all

Dec 04, 2005 20:36

After yesterday's Christmas shopping extravaganza, today was the quiet working day of the weekend and I achieved a surprising amount.

Got lots of graphics cleaned up for the Never Ending Website and can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel there - i.e. have only got 29 left to do having done 66. Yay! This website might actually get finished before 2012!

Got two chapters of French done and learnt the present tense of etre. Go me :-)

Got lots of reviews transferred into the database and I think that I'm now at the halfway stage. I've got all the Stargate and Buffy fics loaded and have just finished the B's in Lord of the Rings. The surprising part is how few fics have permanently disappeared - out of 166 fics reviewed over five years, only one has disappeared without a trace. I'd say that a quarter of those have moved from the URLs that I had on their reviews, but I've managed to track down almost every one. I think that I might have been a little optimistic in my original assessment that the transfer could be done in a couple of days, though. That estimate was made back in late September. I currently have 39 new reviews sitting in my inbox, ready to be added when the new version goes live, but I honestly don't see any sense in spending twelve hours coding those up and then transfering them into the new system anyway.

But hopefully before New Year the database will be up and running with many new reviews for people to enjoy :-)

I thought about doing some arty stuff, but it hasn't happened. I have made a start on an original fiction type thing that I have a good feeling about, though.

So, busy and productive weekend after a not very productive week. Sadly, have got Sims 2 set up but have had no time to actually play it. This shall be remedied next weekend, possibly. Or maybe over the Christmas break.
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