Oct 03, 2005 18:25
How hard can it possibly be to set up one silly little interview?
So far, the agency has called me four times today about this second interview thing. The last two times were from someone other than my usual guy, who had obviously never received the message about me saying yes to Thursday and therefore was making an urgent call to see whether she could slot me in tomorrow or possibly Thursday. As the agency guy hadn't even mentioned tomorrow when he first called and I'd spoken to him to say yes to Thursday, I felt that this was getting silly.
Upshot is that...I still don't know. They're gonna call me tomorrow.
And why would I agree to an interview at 10am tomorrow when it's already 6.15pm today and I would have to literally leave my workplace in the lurch because I'd be on the motorway at the time when I needed to call and let them know what was going on? Particularly when this agency knows that I'm working and trying not to wind up with a bad reputation for swanning off at the drop of a hat?
It's definitely Monday today.
In good news, I've got the XHTML version of one of the art website mock-ups finished. Go me :-)
art website project,
job hunt