I have finally given in and ordered a network extender, because the patchy coverage in the kitchen is intolerable. The worst spot, where the network is largely dead, is the kitchen table. We cannot figure it out, but if you move even a foot away from the table, there is a (weak) signal. At the table? Most of the time?
Where do we all tend to spend a lot of time reading iPads over breakfast? Where do I watch stuff on Netflix when I'm eating alone?
Yup. Kitchen table. So hopefully that will arrive on Friday and I can set it up on the weekend and finally get everything working the way it should. It's a Netgear dual band jobbie. I'm assured it's simple to set up, but it's the same one my Dad got for the house in England and he'll be back from his travels on Monday, so if I fail then he can give me a hand. Cross your fingers this solves the issue and there isn't, in fact, some kind of impenetrable field around my kitchen table?
Last night's attempt to get an early night was scuppered when I decided to spend some time setting up my PVR for all the new shows that start next week. Woops.
I upgraded my cable package earlier in the summer--better services for less money, still don't know how I did that--so I have a new PVR with none of my old settings. On one hand, it's frustrating to set everything up again.
OTOH, it's encouraged me to ditch a couple of shows (OUAT, I'm looking at you) that I'd lost interest in and was only watching out of a vague sense of obligation. So that's good.
And I set up to record Pitch, a new show about a woman baseball player, because it sounded interesting and WOMAN BASEBALL PLAYER. Women doing sports thing has become kinda my jam lately :-) Need to dig through my list of other new shows I wanted to check out and figure out when they're premiering. I seem to recall a lot of them were lined up as potential mid-season debuts rather than September, which always throws me.
Anyone got any recommendations for new stuff I might want to check out?
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