So there was this guy with an axe...

Feb 05, 2015 09:44

In case anyone is wondering, I did finally get out of my house. Yesterday.

It involved a kind neighbour checking on me (because he hadn't seen any sign of me on Tuesday when everyone else was out clearing stuff) and bringing his axe to chop away enough ice to get my door open.

Yup, an axe.

And then he helped me chop away enough ice to get my car off the driveway so my plough guy could use his blade to get me a smooth driveable surface. This also involved an axe, multiple shovels, a box of kitty litter, and eventually a second neighbour to help push.

Just...I have never known a winter with this much ice. Nobody else in my office has, either. They were plotting to send a work party out to help me if my neighbours hadn't gathered around yesterday.

(Neighbour who checked on me felt guilty for not checking earlier. D'aw. I suspect he'll be checking on me a lot now. But as he freed me from my house, that's fine. I'll bake his family a big batch of cookies when the weather is less awful.)

Today I made the, frankly terrifying, drive to work. The temps have gone up and it's raining. At least for now. In the evening it's supposed to change to snow and then the temps will drop to -15C, so I'll probably be iced in again by morning. But at least I got to go out for a day. I'm hoping to get to the grocery store on the way home, so if I get stuck for another couple of days, I'll at least have food in.

Spring will happen one day, right?

If only it was just snow. It's the ice that's killing us right now.

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