A day late again, but at least I'm doing it this week...
What are you currently reading?
Still working on And Then He Kissed Her and Longbourne because I seem to have no time lately for reading, but I'm enjoying them both and should finish them very soon.
What did you recently finish?
Nothing new since last week. Woe :-( There need to be more hours in my day.
What do you think you'll read next?
Symbiont by Mira Grant and Waistcoats and Weaponry by Gail Carriger arrived yesterday, so it will be one of those. And quite possibly my next e-read will be another historical romance. I've got a Tessa Dare sitting there, who I have never read but comes highly recommended by Courtney Milan. I work on the theory that if I love Milan's historicals, I'll probably love the ones she recommends, too :-)
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