A mixed bag of things: too much work, yay teevees, and fic stuff

Oct 22, 2014 08:41

My co-workers and I have dubbed last week, Hell Week. It was not good. It was, in fact, very, very bad. A lot of work, a lot of frustration, a lot of overtime. But the end result is that all the sections of Project Chaos are now live, so we're now mostly working on support for the next month or so until our maintenance team takes over.


Admittedly, I have to get up early on Sunday to work for a couple of hours, but hopefully it won't be all weekend. Or even all day. Famous last words, I know. The more meetings I'm in about this weekend's activities, the more I suspect it won't be as simple as everyone wants to believe.

Last Saturday was a very long day due to a ten hour-long deployment, and I spent Sunday trying to catch up on a bunch of chores that I didn't get to on Saturday due to all the working. I'd rather not have another all-work weekend.


As the days tick closer to NaNo, I'm really hoping that the level of overtime starts to drop. November needs to be a light and easy month at work so that I can put all my focus on the writing. I'm now incredibly glad that I had all my Big Bang fics in good shape by the end of September, so work didn't kill my hopes of publishing those on time.

There are so many teevees related things that I wanted to have the energy to comment on. So many. The Flash continues to delight me. Once Upon a Time is great. Agents of SHIELD is one of my biggest happies of the week (OMG, May and Phil dancing! So much new head canon and C/C plot bunnies!). NCIS and NCIS:NOLA are the perfect level of brain candy. Sleepy Hollow is squeeful. Scorpion is adorkable.

Let's not discuss The Arrow, okay?

The last two episodes of Doctor Who have been the strongest of the season. Wow, the Mummy creeped me out!

Squee with me in comments over it all, as spoilery as you want to be :-D

Lastly, yuletide is open for sign ups! *muppet flail* I love Yuletide. It's always so much fun. My biggest problem this year is trimming my requests down to six or under, which isn't a problem I've had in the past. Even if I restrict myself to fandoms where I only want female characters, I've got five requests. And my potential offer list is ridiculous.

On one level, there are characters who didn't get in that are making me regret not nominating. My traditional Call the Midwife request can't be done due to the lack of Cynthia. Nobody nominated Jessica Drew for Captain Marvel. But really, if they had been there, my request problem would have been even bigger.

I'm prepping my DYW letter. It's a little epic. Oops? It'll be better when I've trimmed out a fandom or two. Yuletide is such a fun and wonderful exchange :-D

(If anyone is wondering about new fic from me, keep your eyes peeled on Saturday. My first Marvel Big Bang fic goes live *and* the
femslashex archive opens. This time of year is lovely and ficcish. I need to find more reading time to read all the lovely new fic being publish.)

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nanowrimo, teevees, yuletide, work stress

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