Last night, I dreamed that
paranoidangel and I produced a comic series that a big comic publisher wanted to commission and turn into some huge mega book of awesome. Which, if you know either of us and our drawing abilities, is utterly hilarious. For some reason, one of the panels included Sitwell backflipping down a church aisle. PA isn't even in Avengers fandom, so why we'd jointly do a comic with Sitwell in is beyond me.
(Sadly, Sitwell was evil. Sorry, guys.)
In less weird news, I have a finished first draft for
femslashex! Woot! I no longer feel horribly stressed about that. Horribly stressed about other things, but not that.
I keep poking the NaNo site, waiting for the reset. Ugh, waiting is horrible.
So, I bring you more teevees instead!
I haven't watched NCIS or NCIS:NOLA yet, but I have watched most other things :)
Sleepy Hollow
How much do I love this show? Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much :-D
My heart broke at little at Jennie's resignation to going back to prison. Please let her out soon, okay? I love Jennie, she's wonderful, and it's difficult to have awesome Abbie and Jennie scenes when one of the duo is locked up. I did love that she's still trying to help from where she is and that she gets that it's Abbie who has the respect and authority to get shit done. That made me so happy.
Tom Mison continues to own Ichobod. His amusement and mild disgust with modern life will never not be awesome. Also, he sold the goodbye scene with Katrina so well. My heart was breaking for him.
I have a feeling raising the Kindred is going to turn out to be a really bad idea, but yay them for figuring out how to fight the Headless Horseman.
The only little niggle is...please, why can't Katrina get a more active role? I'm happy that we've been given a good reason for why she's staying with the Horseman, it makes sense (as much as anything does in this show), but I'd like to see her being less passive. She's this awesome witch and we never get to see it! Argh.
I continue to love this show, even if the science is slightly wobbly in places. The characters are selling it for me so very well.
One of the things that I really appreciate is that Walter has obviously made himself learn about human behaviour. He may not understand it, he may not connect to the emotional side of people, but he's learned the theory and how it applies to people like him. The problem comes when he's dealing with regular people, because all that theory and compartmentalising doesn't apply to people with messy, complex emotions. People aren't logical the way he is, and I really get how frustrating that can be for him.
I'm also enjoying his friendship with Paige and her son. He's able to translate Rupert and show Paige how to connect with him, which is really lovely. At the same time, Paige is trying to show him how all that knowledge he has about things and people can apply in the real world. She's trying to help him actually connect to people, rather than thinking of people as a set of inputs and outcomes that don't quite work right.
I'm also loving Happy so much. On the surface, she looks like the one who is best suited to dealing with the real world. Her skills are very practical instead of esoteric maths. It's just that her skills are ruthlessly practical because there's so much damage inside her. Things she can touch and manipulate and fix won't betray her by doing unexpected things. In some ways, she's probably the closest to being like Walter of any of them.
And then poor Sylvester, with his fear of germs. I kept yelling at the screen that it was only a BL 2 lab, they couldn't work with anything dangerous there, but that doesn't matter to someone with his level of anxiety. Aww.
The actual plot had some wobbly science moments, but overall it was so fast-paced and interesting, with so much awesome character stuff, that I really didn't care about the plot holes. If a show can make me not care about some dodgy virology, that's a pretty good sign :-D
This continues to be a show that's all about the pretty and the fun. Definitely a "do not engage brain" kind of show, and I like that about it. I'm still all kinds of gleeful about Henry's relationship with Abraham and would be more than happy to have entire episodes of them solving crimes while being awesome together. It's not a very typical father-son relationship, but they're really playing nicely with the affection and emotion there.
Once Upon a Time
I really wasn't sure whether the Frozen tie in would work, because it's so soon after the film was out, and episode 2 convinced me. Not prolonging the assumption that Elsa is the bad guy was the right call. Anyone who has seen the movie knows that Elsa is a good person, terrified of her powers, and they needed to quickly get past the villain status.
The way they did it worked really well. Yay show!
Also, making Little Bo Beep evil? BEST DECISION. Seriously, I was utterly delighted. I have so much love for twisting fairy tales and doing the unexpected with them. It's something OUaT sometimes manages really nicely (witness Regina's arc), but they haven't really explored the idea of turning a fluffy story dark before. Bo Beep worked for me on so many levels. Please do more of this, show.
I also cheered when Snow yelled at Grumpy, Happy, and Granny. You go, girl! All very good, valid points. Yes, she definitely needs to be stepping up to the leadership role. Absolutely. But her people shouldn't be leaning on her as the only solution to every problem. That's just not healthy, and I'm happy she recognised that and made them see it, too. Yay Snow!
(I love Snow and Charming so much. D'aww.)
My only slight thing…
...was I supposed to start shipping Emma/Elsa? Because I do, and now I need there to be fic. Or maybe I need to write some fic. OH SHOW. So much accidental femslashy subtext. I adore this.
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