The way we were: Pre-canonfic
Steampunk AU
Plays and Scripts
Religious and other festivals
Pre- Slash / Femslash / Het
High School / College AU
Shadows / Darkness
Temporary Lodgings
Birth / Beginnings
Bathing / Washing
Wild Card
Something Breaks / Malfunctions
Biography / Autobiography
Declarations of Love
Everyone thinks we're doing it
It was All a Dream
Missing Persons
Ship and Captain / Mount and Rider
Use of Symbolism
One meeellion dollars: Indecent Proposal
Relationship Study
I like this card! It has prompts I can understand and love. Thank you,
ladiesbingo :-)
I've already got a Pepper Potts-centric story in the process of being written for my steampunk AU. It just needs the last scene and some editing and then it's done. Woot. And I can have some fun with a lot of those prompts - "Everyone thinks we're doing it"? Why haven't I written that trope before?
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