MCU AU Fest Letter

Apr 21, 2014 09:50

Dear MCU AU Fest writer,

Firstly, thank you so much for signing up for this and offering one of the pairings/AUs that I've been wanting to read forever :-) I'm pretty easy to please, so hopefully this letter won't be too horrendous.

To get this bit out of the way: I've got all the usual squicks (death, non-con, gore, torture etc.) and I'd really appreciate not having those in the fic.

Apart from my really, really excessive love for AUs (which is why we're all here, right?) my other big love is happy endings. I don't mind a bit of pain and angst on the way (hell, some pairings demand it) but I like a happy ending. Please?


AU Neighbours, AU Pet Store, AU Librarians, AU Urban Fantasy.
After all the heartbreak of AoS, I'm really looking for happy fic for these two. Librarian!Phil makes me squeeful. Clint surrounded by puppies and/or kittens trying to look really dignified for the guy who keeps visiting his store with increasingly ridiculous questions and problems about his pet. Neighbours who fall for each other. Some adventure and high-jinks in urban fantasy. A fairy tale retelling set in the modern world. Just...something fun and a little bit romantic, please?


AU Coffee Shops & Cafes, AU Dirty Dancing fusion, AU Fairy Tale fusion, AU Journalism, AU Librarians, AU Treasure Hunters.
Just go wild here. This is the pairing where I'm fine with a bit of angst along the way (because it's hard not to do that with Bucky) as long as the ending is happy. Part of the thing I love about this pairing is their long history of best friends since childhood, so if you can work that in I'd be overjoyed. But some of these fusions don't fit with that, so don't get too worried if you can't :-)

Jemma Simmons/Skye
AU Coffee Shops & Cafes, AU Fairy Tale fusion, AU Librarians, AU Pet Store, AU Sentinels and Guides, AU Sports, AU Urban Fantasy
I love their relationship on the show, because it's such a close, flirty sort of friendship and I'd love a fic where that friendship goes from flirty to falling. Go cute, go funny, go adventurous - wherever the muse takes you for the AU that most takes your fancy. I'm just squeeful at anything for these two :-)

Darcy Lewis/Natasha Romanov
AU Fairy Tale fusion, AU Librarians, AU Journalism, AU Pirates, AU Treasure Hunters, AU Urban Fantasy
I love fics that combine adventure with romance for these two, as you might guess from the AU selection! If you can figure out an adventure with romance and getting together (preferably with some snarky banter, if possible) then I will squee loudly.

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mcu au fest, challenge letters

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