Ugh. I've spent half the morning feel utterly icky (shivery, cold, sniffly, sore throat) and wondering why the hell I'm so tired and gross feeling.
Then I remembered that yesterday was Humira day and therefore I'm probably having a bad post-Humira day. Mostly I feel fine the day after I take it, but there are some weeks where the day after is fairly miserable. Fingers crossed this is the problem and I'm not getting an infection.
The joys of taking immuno-modulators. You never know whether you're feeling icky because of actual infection-type illness or your meds. Blergh. Hopefully I'll feel fine by this evening because I'm supposed to be going out for Thai food with my aunt to celebrate her birthday.
I'm now well into the process of editing my Marvel Big Bang fic. Or at least, I've read through and made dozens of notes on the first few chapters and now I've hit the part where I got into my writing stride so the remaining chapters shouldn't be as messy. Oddly, it's chapter two that needs the most work and some actual wholesale rewrites. I've also discovered there's a scene missing that I was sure I remembered writing (maybe I just wrote it in my head?) and I used some information from it in a later chapter but IT'S NOT IN THE MANUSCRIPT. So now I have to work out where I can slot that scene in or, if I can't, where I can slot in that information without inserting a random infodump. This is probably the downside to my writing habits, where I start writing and keep going until I hit the "Ooh, *that's* what I'm doing" stage and suddenly everything takes off and pulls me along with it. On the other hand, at least this habit still nets me completed fics even if the clean-up work in editing can be a bitch.
On the very positive side, my fic got an art claim within a couple of hours of claims opening so I feel much more relaxed about that side of things :-D Last year mine was one of the last and I got worried nobody would want it. Apparently this year I mastered the art of writing an enticing summary. Woot!
I'm incredibly tempted to put my name down for [Unknown LJ tag] because it's such an awesome ficathon, but that would probably lead to deadline burn out if I also want to do Yuletide. I've got bingos to write for and I'll probably be working up a gift fic or two for Christmas, so adding in the femslash ficathon would just be overkill. I'm remembering November and December last year and kind of shuddering. So many deadlines. So much flailing.
So I'll pass this year and preserve my sanity. After all, I've got ladies_bingo to write for, which should spur me into some femslash, plus some Darcy/Natasha plot bunnies biting my ankles and I have a horrible feeling I might possibly be looking for Darcy/Sif fics as well after Thor 2 :-D
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