It's kind of an extension of a discussion on FDAS, but someone mentioned Joss, Firefly and Stargate in the same breath. I got to thinking about Joss writing Stargate. And someone else (possibly not realising the deep Janet love over here) suggested that he'd write Sam/Janet into canon with ghost!Janet just to make it more tragic.
I got to remembering the whole Willow/Tara plot. The beauty. The pain. The amazing relationship he created.
And now I want Sam/Janet ala Joss, because it's a show plot that would keep me glued to the set and worshiping at Joss's feet. So many cool things that could have been done.
Then, of course, my mind went into other places and I started wondering whether the reason that Stargate hasn't really caught my imagination for the past while is that the show doesn't have the same soul that it in the early seasons. Sure, the story-lines can be interesting. I'm watching my team. But it doesn't have that 'thing', whatever it was, that caught me up started me imagining the possibilities in the characters.
This comes on top of recapturing the Teyla/Weir muse. Atlantis has the 'thing' that I've been missing from SG. I'm waiting impatiently for the new season and the show has caught my imagination, firing me up to write fanfic. It's actually got me writing femslash, something that hadn't happened for a couple of years, despite the prevailing Sheppard/McKay bias. It got me writing slightly angsty, not-easily-resolved femslash.
I have no idea where I'm going with these thoughts. I've fought against canon Stargate becoming a hideous soap opera for years (that may explain my dislike of overt Sam/Jack ship). But the idea of what a writer like Joss could have done with the concept makes me kind of sad because I miss that 'thing' that made me fall in love with Stargate.
Of couse, I wouldn't object to a writer like Russel T Davies after his work on Doctor Who, either. He's showing how well UST between two leads can work without ever forcing it - I actually like the Rose-Doctor UST, which is truly amazing.
Oddly, my difficulty with Stargate doesn't seem to be extending to AUs. I'm still fired up about the sequel to *that* fic. Is it because it's Stargate but not? Is it because I can do things with it that I can't with Stargate? Or is it just that I'm over-analysing it?
In other dilemmas, I definitely don't want to go to
Wolf Pegasus One. Absolutely. No way. Nu-uh. Believe me yet?