Pity poor, deluded, fannish me

Apr 03, 2013 13:32

Mother has booked her plane tickets for her visit here so I now know the dreaded arrival date. It's on my Friday off, which rather scuppers my mad pre-mother cleaning plans. Usually she arrives on a Saturday, but she decided that it would be lovely to have an extra day here so she's going with Friday instead this year. Oh, joy.

I'm thinking about booking vacation on the Thursday before so that I can do the mad pre-mother cleaning and enjoy my last day of mother-free freedom.

If her plane arrives late enough, I may also make my trip to the comic shop on the Friday morning instead of Saturday (even though the cute girl I chat to doesn't work on Fridays) so that I have one last solo trip before Mum decides that I obviously cannot possibly leave the house on my own for her entire visit.

Oh god, just the prospect of five months of never leaving the house on my own except for work is making me cringe. I love my mum, I really do, and the whole thing where she wants to go with me wherever I go and feels bad about going out for the evening and leaving me alone would be fine if her visit was just for a couple of weeks. It's five months, though, and I just can't do that without going slightly insane. As she also drives me to and from work (so she can borrow the car) two or three times a week, there's very little time when I'm not either at work or with Mum. She's great and I love her...but I miss having freedom and some modicum of privacy when she's visiting.


Ah, well, it's another two months before she arrives so I need to stop feeling stressed about it. Someone reassure me that when she finally moves here full-time and I have my own place, things will be different. I won't still have her in my face every minute of every day, right?


I've been dragged unwillingly into the fringes of Teen Wolf fandom. To the extent that I just pre-ordered the season 2 DVDs because I misread the library listing and thought I'd ordered season 2 when I'd actually reordered season 1. Oops.

And I may possibly have ordered season 1 from Amazon as well *headdesk*

It falls firmly in the "so bad it's good" category and I have a sad and terrible addiction to that kind of thing. Also, there is some pretty damn fabulous fic out there and I should feel guilty for watching a show just for the fic but I totally don't :-D

Thankfully, I have no desire to *write* fic for it so that's a relief.

I'm also starting to work my way through Supernatural via the library. This is one I don't feel fannish about at all, but I've been assured that season one is the weakest and I'm only meh rather than disliking it so I'm going to stick with it until at least season two.

At some stage in the next six months, I'll also have the Person of Interest DVDs in my hands thanks to the library. That's a looooong hold list.

You know what I really need to do, though? I really, really need to watch some of the shows building up on my PVR. I keep sitting upstairs with my book stack and my Kindle of fic rather than watching stuff downstairs in the evenings, so I'm getting horribly behind. Tomorrow night and Friday will need to be PVR-catchup marathons, I feel.

And next year, I may be breaking up with one or two shows so that I don't end up with so many backlogs because I'm too 'meh' to watch them. Bones is on the shaky list, as is Gray's Anatomy. NCIS, CSI:NY and Arrow are probably keepers because I'm actually watching them within a week or two of broadcast. Except Arrow, but that's because I tend to save up several and then watch them all in a glory of Arrow-ish wallowing.

Actually, I need to check my settings for Arrow again. I should have four episodes saved up but I have a nasty feeling that there's only one on the PVR, which means something may have gone wrong with that setting. AGAIN. There's a new episode tonight and if I don't have a five episode marathon waiting for me tomorrow, I may be upset.

*kicks cable box*

I've also got to do some serious Holby catch up because I'm weeks behind and I need to finish Call the Midwife. How did I just have a four day weekend without actually watching *any* of my backlogged shows?

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teen wolf, omg mother, teevees, telly love

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