Dear Author (femslash12)

Oct 08, 2012 11:22


Firstly, thank you so much for signing up to
femslash12 and getting assigned to me. I'm going to love your fic :-D

I'm not particularly demanding, but there are a few definite no-nos for me. Death, rape/non-con, seriously tragic endings and graphic torture are the major ones.

I love fics with plots and character development. Fluffy stuff or serious stuff is equally welcome and friendship-to-romance gets me every time. I'm pretty easy if you're writing a pairing that I love.

Marvel Avengers movieverse: Darcy Lewis/Natasha Romanoff
I have fallen in love with both of these characters and there is a heart-breaking lack of fic for them. If they eventually end up together in some way, I'm pretty happy with anything. If you wrote something sweet and funny with Darcy accidentally ending up on a mission, I'd probably worship you forever.

Once Upon a Time: Emma Swan/Ruby (Red Riding Hood)
I love the way that their friendship in Storybrooke has grown and I'd love something of the friendship developing into something more type. Ruby fascinates me because she started out so uncertain in herself and grew into this amazing, kick-ass, take-charge woman. Emma has always been strong and she's gradually learning to let people past her defences. I think that could make for a fascinating dynamic. In other words, anything you can write for these two would make me happy.

Glee: Rachel/Santana
I have no idea why I like this pairing so much, except that it's one of those opposites attract thing and I have a big soft-spot for Santana. I'm not hugely into the epic angst for this pairing, but other than that I'm happy to see what you can do.

Downton Abbey: Sybil Crawley/Gwen Dawson
Season two rather killed this pairing, but a fic set before Sybil runs away would be love.

This ficathon is going to be so much fun!

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babbles on the entry on Dreamwidth

natasha romanov, femslash, ficathon, darcy lewis, once upon a time, avengers

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